Saturday, November 20, 2010

Toppled Cups

One morning this week, Cameron, Kinley and I met my mom for breakfast at Panera. This in itself is not unusual. We eat at Panera...a lot! After we finished eating, Mom and Cameron went to refill her tea. Also at the drink station was an employee refilling the cup stack. Unfortunately, he had such a large stack that the cups toppled over onto the floor. Without missing a beat, Cameron walks over to the employee and says, "Can I help you pick those up?" He then proceeded to help pick up the cups. The employee walked away and came back with a medium sized cup and told Cameron he could have a free drink for helping.

1 comment:

  1. I love it that you take the time to share these special moments in a mom's life. A wonderful gift to share with your children as the grow.
