Wednesday, November 10, 2010


My four year old son is just one game short of completing his first season of tee ball. I was reluctant to have him play so early remembering the loud mouthed competitive parents of the game when I watched my brother play YEARS ago but decided it would be good for him to try it. My husband decided to help coach to keep an eye on him.
The first game was so memorable, most of our team is new to tee ball and we played a really good team. I was feeling a little discouraged when my son got up to bat, wondering if he'd get a chance to get on base. We cheered him on as coach brought out the tee and instructed him on what to do. I held my breath as he got ready and swung the bat...the ball barely went outside the foul circle but it was fair. RUN, Baby RUN, I yelled, trying to help those little legs of his go faster. Disappointment set in as he got thrown out on first and then...sheer joy as he kept running to second and then third where he celebrated with his daddy, lifting his hands in victory. The entire crowd cheered, we wept at the lesson this little blond fella taught us. It didn't matter whether he was thrown out on first. What did matter is that he tried his very best and just had fun! It has been the same, throughout the entire season, my son has joy oozing from him at every game and it has been a pleasure watching him.

Oh, and a BIG thank you to my momma for capturing most of those joyous moments on camera so I can relive them over and over. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word, tears are flowing - Joyous tears, it has been so much fun watching the joy in his little face. He totally represents what tee ball should be to all children at this age. Just plain fun! Way to go Cam!
