Saturday, November 20, 2010

Toppled Cups

One morning this week, Cameron, Kinley and I met my mom for breakfast at Panera. This in itself is not unusual. We eat at Panera...a lot! After we finished eating, Mom and Cameron went to refill her tea. Also at the drink station was an employee refilling the cup stack. Unfortunately, he had such a large stack that the cups toppled over onto the floor. Without missing a beat, Cameron walks over to the employee and says, "Can I help you pick those up?" He then proceeded to help pick up the cups. The employee walked away and came back with a medium sized cup and told Cameron he could have a free drink for helping.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

After Choir Surprise

What a precious moment awaited me after I returned home from choir tonight. Kylie, my oldest, was still awake and writing when I arrived and sang me the following song:

A little tune I wrote for mommy. By: Kylie

Mommy I love you.
Mommy I love you.
Mommy I love you.
Mommy I love you.
You are my special one.
The one I can count on. You are so kind.
I wouldn't trade you for anything. You always tend my wounds.
You keep me nice and healthy. You love me so. And I think that you are the best mother in the world. Nothing has gone wrong when you are around. And you are so true. Every word you speak I try to obey. But the thing I love about you is your kindness. You are my mom the one that is so true. I think you're nice. Because you are my mom.
You are my mom.

Oh this just thrilled my soul! She also drew a picture of just the two of us to go with the poem.


My four year old son is just one game short of completing his first season of tee ball. I was reluctant to have him play so early remembering the loud mouthed competitive parents of the game when I watched my brother play YEARS ago but decided it would be good for him to try it. My husband decided to help coach to keep an eye on him.
The first game was so memorable, most of our team is new to tee ball and we played a really good team. I was feeling a little discouraged when my son got up to bat, wondering if he'd get a chance to get on base. We cheered him on as coach brought out the tee and instructed him on what to do. I held my breath as he got ready and swung the bat...the ball barely went outside the foul circle but it was fair. RUN, Baby RUN, I yelled, trying to help those little legs of his go faster. Disappointment set in as he got thrown out on first and then...sheer joy as he kept running to second and then third where he celebrated with his daddy, lifting his hands in victory. The entire crowd cheered, we wept at the lesson this little blond fella taught us. It didn't matter whether he was thrown out on first. What did matter is that he tried his very best and just had fun! It has been the same, throughout the entire season, my son has joy oozing from him at every game and it has been a pleasure watching him.

Oh, and a BIG thank you to my momma for capturing most of those joyous moments on camera so I can relive them over and over. :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Three Minute Drive

Getting children ready and to school on time every morning always seems such a challenge. In a perfect world, I'd like to be able to have a quiet, private moment with each child to start their day out on a positive note. Unfortunately, most times we're in such a rush that I barely have time to hug and kiss each one.

One morning this week, my oldest gave me the "precious moment of the day." Yahweh, by Tal & Acacia is one of my favorite songs and it happened to be playing during our three minute drive to school. As we turned the corner, I heard her quietly singing along with the sweetest voice (normally she mimics the singing from High School Musical) and I had to stop and silently thank Jesus for that quiet moment of worship before school.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mid-night Serenade

My sweet baby girl hasn't been feeling well which means she's been keeping us up a little at night. This night in particular, she was sleeping soundly when we heard this over the baby monitor...

"Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red and yellow, black and white
They are precious in his sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world."

No fussing or anything, just this song repeated six times (of course with a toddler accent)! I don't know if she was really awake or if she was singing in her sleep but it was the most precious thing I've ever heard in the middle of the night.

What a beautiful reminder from our heavenly Father that even when they're sick, children are still precious in His sight.